Wednesday, May 12, 2004

The Iraqi Terrorists Made A Big Mistake

I think the Iraqi terrorists made a big tactical mistake yesterday in releasing the videotape of Nick Berg being executed. Until yesterday afternoon public opinion was slowly moving their way. The recent pictures of Iraqi POW abuse was showing that the Americans were not delivering the type of freedom the world expected. We were committing acts of indecency with the Iraqi POWs that made me sick to watch. As a retired Air Force officer it made me sick to think that I fought for a country that let this happen. That is over now. The terrorist beheading Nick Berg yesterday forever changed that. George Bush owes the terrorist that committed this act a big "thank you." If the Iraqi terrorosts would have showed humane treatment of prisoners while we continued to reveal the abuse of our prisoners I believe public opinion would continue to move their direction and against our war effort. Now they have one up'd us and showed that we aren't the most brutal and demeaning people in the Persian Gulf; they are. As much as I detest the American abuse of Iraqi POWs, and I fully believe we will fix the problem and hold the people who either committed these acts or let them be committed accountable, the brutality from yesterday is the exact reason why I support the war in Iraq. Islamic fundamentalists must be removed from the country in order for the people to be considered free. I believe this incident will bring many consequences, one of them will be the refocusing of the public spotlight from the target of the American abuses to that of pushing on with the war. The terroritsts just up'd the ante and got the American military and George Bush off the hotseat.

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