Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Christianity and Modernity's Take on Consumption

Jordon Cooper had a great link to a Brian McLaren article on Christianity and Modernity's view of consumption in Sojourners. This is a topic close to my Dissertation topic and is close to my heart. A link to the article is here.

Brian makes some great points, but I disagree with part of the fourth paragraph where he makes the statement that conservative protestants have been guilty of subcontracting the evangelical mind out to right-wing politicians and greedy business interests…putting the gospel of Jesus through the strainer of consumerist-capitalism and retaining only the thin broth that this modern-day Caesar lets pass through...a tendency to be against whatever "liberals" are for. Our culture is guilty of doing that, but not just with the greedy business interests and right-wing politicians. The liberal left has dont the same thing....can you remember the Clinton Whitewater scandal? Or the dam building during the FDR days that were strictly for the interests of the wealthy large-scale farmer?

I like the article, but dislike the right-wing bashing. Both sides are equally guilty!

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