Tuesday, June 29, 2004

It Is Much Easier To Be Critical Than To Be Correct

Today at lunch I had one of my favorite foods, Korean Bulgogi (A beef, onions, garlic, and carrots dish similar to an asian stir fry). When I spent my year living in Korea I became a Bulgogi connissour (I'll bet blogger's spell checker will go crazy with a couple of words in this post) and practically lived off of Bulgogi and Pu Dae Chi Gae (a food similar to Jambalaya).

Anyhow, today I tried some Bulgogi at a local Chinese restaurant. Pretty good stuff, but it is the first time I have ever gotten a Chinese Fortune Cookie with my Bulgogi. I opened up the cookie and the ancient Chinese proverb said "It is much easier to be critical than to be correct." I find that very timely today as we are in the midst of a Presidential election campaign. George Bush is getting slammed from people who don't understand interpersonal relations let alone foreign relations. I believe they are living out this ancient Chinese proverb. They are being critical of Mr Bush, when they don't have a clue how to handle the situation themselves.

John Kerry is an example. All he has done is be critical of President Bush. He hasn't offered up any viable options to Mr Bush's policies. He states in his campaign commercial that "he loves this country and thinks it is headed in the wrong direction". I can understand that belief, but think I he fails to offer up any detailed alternatives. If he doesn't like where we are headed then tell us specifically where he wants to take us. So far we have seen nothing but lofty ideas (health care, education, blah, blah, blah) with no substance. I think it is because he has no substance and for that reason will not win the election.

An even bigger example of someone being critical without offering up any real way to fix the problems is Michael Moore. I have seen his films in the past, but I have not seen Fahrenheit 911, and won't because I don't find Michael Moore a credible documentarian. He doesn't document the truth, he manipulates it. He isn't documenting anything, he is simply creating hate. He releases his films as documentaries so that he doesn't have to back up what he portrays in his films. They are all one sided (his ultra left wing view), and hatefully done. If the right wing had done a similar documentary about Al Gore during the last Presidential election campaign (and there could have been a few done on Mr Gore) the left wing would have screamed that it was a dirty trick and very partisan in its viewpoint. It would have been labeled as hatemongering. So, where is the conscience of the left wing now? They are silent. People like Al Franken and Michael Moore believe the ends justify the means. Mr Moore, on your report card this semester I give you a D for lack of taste and a comment that states, "Doesn't play well with others."

"It is much esier to be critical than to be correct." I don't always agree with the things President Bush does, but until I can come up with viable alternatives I won't be critical of him. He needs our prayers, not solely our criticism.


Scott said...

on a strictly theological level i feel it's important to note that beef bulgogi is he nectar of the gods. my favourite food in the world, along with korean chicken kampugi.

ok, so i missed the point of the whole blog...

Rick said...

Ah, I forgot about Kampungi Chicken. That goes on my short list of favorites also.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of being correct ;) This is actually a quote from Benjamin Disraeli:
