Thursday, September 09, 2004

Bible Study Last Night: John Chapters 2 and 3

We had a great Bible Study last night at The Gate (our McKerdree College Collegiate Ministry). We watched John Chapter 2 and 3 from the movie The Gospel of John and used it as our visual text along with the Bible as our written text for a discussion of the two chapters. It went very well. Andy led the discussion and did a fantastic job.

Every time we meet I am impressed with the spiritual maturity of the students who attend and the moving of the Holy Spirit when we just let go. It is so rewarding to see student peer ministery. I know I am supposed to be developing the future leaders of the church, but they do so much more for me than I could ever do for them. I can hardly wait for each Wednesday or Sunday Night to come along to see what direction the Lord will lead us.

Sunday Night I will be teaching on something the Lord has laid on my heart. I don't teach too often at The Gate, but I feel the Lord has something for me to say to kick off the new school year. Please pray for the students!

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