Thursday, September 02, 2004

Searching for God's Will

I have been battling myself the last couple of months to try to understand how I might be able to best serve the Lord. I have felt His call to the ministry and have filled my life with trying to please Him. I have been active in ministering to collegiates at my church at my local church and a local college campus, but I am feeling Him call me to do more. I feel that the Lord is calling me to plant a new church, and I am just trying to understand that calling. Not so much when and where, but how He wants me to prepare myself to do whatever He calls me to do. I have spent a lot of time in prayer over God's will and know that He will reveal what He wants me to do at the right time.

I was hit twice today by circumstances that the Lord has put in my path. First, was in my daily reading this morning covering Luke Chapter 1. Zacharias, John the Baptist's father, was performing his priestly duties and was selected to fulfill the once in a lifetime task of burning incense inside the Temple. While in the Temple he saw the angel of the Lord who told Zacharias that he and his wife would have a son who will turn the sons of Israel back to the Lord (Luke 1:16). Zacharias said how will I know for certain, which means that he doubted the Lord. The angel then tells Zacharias that he will be silent until the birth of his son.

It got me thinking that by not following what I feel is the Lord's will I am doing the same thing that Zacharias did. I am doubting the Lord. I think I need to spend some more time in prayer.

The other circumstance today is not quite so spiritual. In my fortune cookie after lunch I received a fortune that read You always know the right times to be assertive or to simply wait. One of the issues I have been praying about is about how long I continue to pray for circumstances to align to proceed. I have been praying that the Lord would reveal His will so that I will know when it is time beyond a shadow of a doubt. I have been knocking on the door of God's will in prayer and I want Him to show me whether I should continue to keep knocking at the door through prayer, while waiting, or open the door and go to work. The Lord is a great and awesome God and serving Him is an incredible responsibility.


Scott said...

fortune cookie?? that's rich. i've always tried to find truth where i can, it's just that God seems to have such a sense of humor!
hang in there brother. i once heard someone say, "god is seldom early but never late". it reminds me that he still is in charge, still cares for me and has my best interests at heart, even when i don't feel the feelings.
love your blog.

Dan Phillips said...

Rick -- you are on the way. Just searching begins the journey. Yes, we studied Luke's gospel yesterday also--which tells you something about us, right.

But it is difficult waiting. I have spent a month getting my blog, MONASTIC SKETE, working. Finally it is going. Took some patience, etc. It also has a link to your page. Please feel free to check it out.

Erin said...

Ever heard the story of the farmer giving directions to a lost fella, and decided to best way was to get in the car and show him. They start out and the farmer says turn left at the next tree. Driver wants to know what comes next. Farmer says he'll say when the time comes. They pass several farms. Farmer says to turn left at the next barn... and on they go to their destination. Would have been completely pointless for the farmer to give directions ahead... driver would have been constantly questioning... this tree? this barn?

God works like this in my life. I've invited Him into the car, and he gives direction one turn at a time.

BTW... I helped start a church plant 7 years ago (so I guess we're not really a plant anymore). It has been the most exhausting, exhilarating, eye-opening, exciting, faith-stretching, white-knuckled, life-changing experience. Woudn't trade it for anything, but am praying for another chance at it!

Blessings, Brother!