Thursday, September 23, 2004

Go Cardinals! and Rudy Carrasco has a super article on the St Louis Cardinals and how the best team in baseball this year has pretty much gone without much publicity. Link. The Cards are a team that is full of classy people, many of them Christians. From interviews I have seen on our ocat St Louis networks, most of the Cardinals probably appreciate the lack of attention and the freedom they have to go out and do their jobs without any media distractions. The reason why I think the Cards did so well this year that they are a team full of unselfish athletes (a conrast in terms). St Louis is regarded by many as the best baseball town in America, and we are honored to be the home of Joe Buck and Bob Costas (my favorite sports broadcasters). It is the best sports town I have lived in!

On a slightly different tangent: Rudy Carrasco has a shot at throwing out the first ball at LA's (my hometown) Dodger Stadium on Tuesday. Link. Good job Rudy.... don't bounce it!

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