Thursday, July 22, 2004

Who Is To Blame For Global Warming?

Rudy Carrasco had a link to this London Daily Telegraph article on his weblog.  Link.

I consider myself an environmental activist.  I believe that when God created man and placed him in Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:7-8, 15) to cultivate it that the responsibility he gave Adam has been passed down to us today.  We should be the ones who look after God's creation, and we have the responsibility to ensure that our home is treated with respect.  Along those lines, I have been concerned with global warming for many years now, but I am a little uneasy about focusing the blame for global warming solely on humans.  We do use way too much petroleum based fuel that pollutes and contaminates the air, but I believe global warming is a much bigger problem than can be accounted for by the use of petroleum.  I was happy to see this post in Rudy's weblog and to hear that at least someone is doing research on other possible causes for global warming.


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